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What is Organic?


We've been asked that question many times before and hope that the information provided below goes some way to making sense of the term 'organic'.



Of course if there is anything that you're still unsure about then please give us a call on 01684 291111 and we'll be only to glad to help.

What is Organic?

Organic is food farmed without the use of chemical and articifial pesticides, fungicides and fertilisers. Standards are set by the Interational Federation of Organic Agricultural Movement and are monnitored across the world by various bodies.


The most recognisable bodies in the UK are the Soil Association and Organic Farmers and Growers.

Organic farming seeks to work in harmony with nature, rather than dominating it. The soil is the most precious resource on earth.


Without it we simply can not survive.


From the soil everything grows, it literally gives us life, so it surely makes sense to treat it with the utmost respect. Organic farming takes on this principle and allows crops to grow naturally drawing from the soil as much vitality in the form of vitamins and minerals as possible. Organic crops aren't forced.


Spraying the soil with artificial chemicals not only pollutes our watercourses, with disastrous effects for wildlife, it can also impact on human health*, but ultimately it means that the soil can not continue providing food indefinitely.


The soil loses its vitality and more and more chemicals are needed to produce a crop.


Rearing Organic Animals

The same idea applies to animals. Strict standards prohibit the routine use of vaccinations, antibiotics and hormones.


Animals are reared as close as possible to their natural state. They are given free space to roam around and display normal behaviour and mating patterns.


Typically organically reared chickens will live for almost 3 times as long as their conventional counterparts.


Graig Farm supplies our meat and operate a traceability system, where you can use the code on the pack of meat you've purchased and trace it pack to the farm - very reassuring!


Organic farming is fundamentally about sustainability, look after the soil and it will look after you. We believe it is better for the planet, better for our wildlife and most definitely better for you!

*various studies have been made across the world pointing towards a negative effect on humans on ingesting chemicals that are used on conventional crops.










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