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What they're saying...
"Thank you for the brilliant fruit and veg and the great service"


Organic Fruit & Veg. Boxes


No Commitment..

Feel free to order as and when you like or set up a weekly or a fortnightly
delivery. You can change the size of your box as often as you like.


Tell us what you want..
Let us know if you specifically want an item included in your box, either every week or just now and again. Conversely if there is something you never want in your box just let us know and we'll make sure you never get it.


If you prefer to ask for specific fruit and vegetables each week rather than a set box, again just let us know.


Just Vegetables

£10 Typically includes:
Potatoes, onions, carrots, celery, lettuce, French beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, spring cabbage
£15 As above plus courgette, spring onion, beetroot, pepper
£20 As above plus larger quantities of most items.
£25 As above plus white cabbage, cucumber, salad pack, radish
£30 As above plus larger quantities of most items


Just Fruit

£10 Typically includes:
Apples, bananas, pears, oranges, kiwi, lemon.
£15 As above plus mango, avocado and melon.
£20 As above plus larger quantities of most items plus limes and strawberries.
£25 As above plus pineapple.


Fruit & Vegetables

£10 Typically includes: potatoes, carrots, onions, two to three varieties of seasonal vegetables. Apples, bananas, two to three varieties of seasonal fruits.

£15 Eg: Includes potatoes, carrots, onions, three to four varieties of seasaonal vegetables. Apples, bananas, pears and three to four varieties of seasonal fruits.
£20 Eg: Includes large quantities of potatoes, carrots, onions, five to six varieties of seasonal/exotic vegetables. Larger quantities of apples, bananas and pears and three to four varieties of seasonal/exotic fruits.
£25 Eg: As above with two extra varieties of vegetables and larger quantities of fruits.
£30 Eg: As above with larger quantities of vegetables and fruits.
* Boxes can be tailored to suit your needs.









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